A gentle process to release tension in your body.
Kinetic Chain Release is a gentle process, using a specific protocol of stretches, to release the tension in the joints, fully facilitated by the practitioner.
These stretches allow the body to release restrictions and return to natural alignment.
As we age, our body can lose its natural alignment and then aches, pains and stresses can build up. As this happens you may feel more tense and restricted on both a physical and energetic level.
There are many factors or causes of this misalignment such as a sports injury, pregnancy and labour, repetitive strain, wear and tear from work or intense activities, poor posture and so on.
KCR can alleviate problems such as weak ankles, knee problems, hip and joint pain, pelvic discomforts, back, shoulder and neck pain, TMJ, and headaches.
You will be lying on a massage table and you will be fully clothed other than your shoes. KCR is suitable for any age, including children.
Some benefits include:
Improved posture.
Sense of ease in everyday movements.
Relief from pain.
Improved digestion.
Improves the nervous system.
Your body will be more relaxed.