A technique working with our “life force energy” achieving relaxation and healing.
Reiki treats the mind, body and spirit. Working with the system of energy centres, or chakras, in the body, the Reiki therapist places their hands near the body and allows Reiki energy to flow through their hands.
It is deeply relaxing and non-invasive. You’ll be fully clothed, enjoying your treatment under a comfortable blanket with soothing music and beautiful candlelight.
We begin our sessions with relaxing, grounding meditations designed to deepen your experience and connect you with your energy centres. We work mainly hands off and sometimes using gentle, light touch.
Benefits of Reiki:
Deep Relaxation.
Feelings of peace.
Improved sleep.
Reduced stress.
Improved health & well-being.
Balanced energy.
Benefits often felt straight away
Cumulative effects felt over time.